

Basketball is one of the most popular sports games. Basketball for children is considered one of the earliest sports, because kids can be signed up for their first lessons as young as 3 years old. But the most important advantage of basketball is its accessibility.

And if you’re not ready to give your child in a section, just buy him a ring and a ball and hang it in your area and the baby will already be engaged in the sport, and thus will get the most developmental benefits.

What is useful for children basketball, what qualities develops
Before you give your baby to a section, parents should know what is useful for children basketball and what qualities it develops.

First of all, like any team sport, basketball develops social skills. Working as a team, children learn to help each other, to worry about common interests, and to work for the good of the team.

Moreover, this basketball is a great emotional release. It helps children to discharge negative energy and get positive emotions. At the same time during the lessons it builds character, and the child learns to go to the goal, sacrificing their own desires and needs.

Also, basketball helps to get rid of complexes. This is especially true for taller girls who are noticeably taller than their peers. In a team where all the players are above average height, girls no longer feel “black sheep”, and gain confidence and begin to be proud of their height.

The impact of the game of basketball on the physical development of children
The influence of the game of basketball on the physical development of the child is also strong. First of all, children engaged in this sport develop endurance, and all muscle groups are strengthened. Basketball training – jumping, running, hand waving, bending and squatting, which allows you to develop all muscle groups and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to general health benefits, basketball will also help prevent the development of some diseases that arise from a passive lifestyle.

Moreover, basketball develops:

  • Vision Review. By requiring the player to constantly watch the ball and other players, vision is improved. Children learn to control their lateral vision and train their eyes;
  • Reaction speed. It’s not uncommon for an athlete to have to make lightning quick decisions during a match that affect the outcome of the game. This helps children learn to react quickly to unexpected situations;
  • Attention. Thanks to the intense game develops attention and memory, which is beneficial not only on the playground, but also in school and everyday life.
  • Given these facts, the question of what gives a child basketball can be answered that lessons will improve physical, mental and mental health. That is why basketball is often recommended to children who suffer from reduced attention span and weak immunity.