Rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is an aesthetic and graceful sport, where every movement is beautiful, confident and verified! It combines elements of dance, choreography and ballet.

In the classroom, our students perform exercises for general physical fitness: the development of coordination, flexibility and stretching, strengthening the muscle corset. Children work with sports equipment: ribbons, hoops, balls and ropes. Classes are held to music so that children learn to move plastically and feel the rhythm.

Rhythmic gymnastics classes contribute to the formation of a child’s correct posture and fit figure through regular physical activity that strengthens the muscular corset. In addition, children-gymnasts have a plastic, graceful gait, well-developed memory, musical ear and artistic skills.

Gymnastics also strengthens character – young athletes develop self-confidence, determination, endurance, discipline and patience.

Indications for children’s gymnastics
Gymnastics for kids has a complex effect:

  • Builds a muscular corset
  • Develops coordination and strength
  • Prevents scoliosis
  • Disciplines
  • Trains willpower and endurance

Contraindications to gymnastics for children
Children’s rhythmic gymnastics has several absolute contraindications. Read them before your child decides to start training.

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the respiratory system
  • Recently suffered injuries or fractures
  • Any diseases in the acute stage of development